
Our Products

1. Black P.S. (Reinforced Polystyrene)

These products are manufactured from sowing or transportation disks, which are initially washed and then processed using our production lines- granulators.

2. Super Clear – Transparent Materials L.D.P.E. (Low- Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured from industrial plastic recycled materials from supermarkets using our washing production lines.

3. Clear – Transparent Materials L.D.P.E. (Low- Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured from plastic recycled materials using our washing production lines.

4. Black L.D.P.E. (Low- Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured from sorted, recycled plastic materials using our washing production lines for plastic packaging and tube applications.

5. Blue L.D.P.E. (Low- Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured using sorted recycled plastic feedstock materials or industrial Scrap.

6. Meli L.D.P.E. (Low- Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured using sorted recycled plastic feedstock materials or industrial Scrap.

7. Stretch film -Linear L.L.D.P.E (Linear Low-Density Polyethylene)

These products are manufactured using sorted recycled plastic feedstock materials or industrial Scrap.

8. Fason operation using trimmers and granulators